keynote 3

Change & the breaking-down of resistance

Most change programmes fail. The success rate of well-intended, carefully planned and well-funded change programmes is somewhere around 20 per cent. The success rate of mergers and acquisitions is about the same.

Why? Failures can be traced to a few common mistakes that can easily be avoided by following some tried and tested rules.

Businesses can effectively address the challenges of change by understanding and tackling the factors that create obstacles. Agile organisations can handle change, not only as a one-time event, but on an on-going basis. Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the proposed changes. If you force change upon people, there will usually be difficulties.

Before starting organisational change, the key questions are: What do you want to achieve with this change, why and how will you know that the change has been achieved? These questions relate strongly to the ‘people element’ of organisational change and are vital for success.

Managing organisational change will be more successful if you apply these simple principles. Achieving personal change will be more successful also if you use the same approach.

As part of this popular 45 minute Keynote presentation you will leave knowing 10 crucial principles, which have been found invaluable in the course of Barbara’s extensive experience in small, medium and large businesses.

  • Overcome fear – the most major change obstacle
  • “Tell it like it is” – resistance to change is often exacerbated by poor communication
  • Create a climate where change is acceptable and seen as the norm
  • Involve everyone in the change effort

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