Are you starting 2013 with the same business goals you had last year, but never achieved?
In an effort to help inspire more prosperity for your business and to avoid another Groundhog year, I am sharing my top 3 resolutions for entrepreneurial leaders:
Less talk, more action
There is a quirk of human psychology that causes us to underestimate the risks of failing to act. While inaction might seem comfortable and even wise, every inaction incurs a cost.
When considering whether or not to move a dream or vision forward, be it a new product line or a change of career path, failing to evaluate both the risks of action AND the risks of inaction is a decision trap that leads us to the often false belief that staying still is safer.
“Sharpen the saw”
Taking a leaf from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highley Effective People. If a business wants to achieve its aims, it needs committed and inspired leaders. No other assets will produce such a sustainable competitive advantage. Equally, never have expectations of leaders been higher.
It is therefore vital for businesses to invest in leadership development to create outstanding current and future leaders. So make sure you take the right investment decisions.
Focus your energy and efforts correctly
In the busy and fast paced environment that we live in it can be difficult to know what areas of your business are doing well and what needs attention. Some matters need immediate attention before it is too late and turn into a crisis, while others overlooked might just sit dormant until they manifest in a disaster.
You therefore need to focus your energy and effort in the right areas to be successful. Business diagnostics helps you identify how healthy your business is and what needs to be rectified, immediately or in due course. It also points to issues that need attention before they become problems.