Just because you can’t see the connection or reason for something happening does not mean there is no connection. There is always a connection or a reason. There is no such thing as coincidence.
According to the laws of physics, when your mind observes something, you change that something. Its called “The Observer Effect“. In other words being conscious or “aware and observing something will influence the phenomenon being observed.”
Often we are blissfully unaware of the impact of our observations, but today, I have been both honoured and humbled to find out about the role I played in influencing and changing some else’s future. Here’s the story…
A few years ago I was invited to help with the annual boardroom exercise run by Durham University Business School as part of the Executive MBA programme. I jumped at the chance as I relish the opportunity to shape the development of future entrepreneurs and business leaders – plus it’s great fun too.
Once the boardroom exercise is done I often get a handful of requests from students to connect with me and I always accept these request happily, but I have never had any direct feedback about how students are doing or how they are getting on – until today.
I got a lovely message this morning from a young woman who I had met briefly in 2013. She wasn’t in the MBA group that I had worked with and her message began: “We met only briefly but I heard good things about you from my classmate, so felt a bit like I knew you.”
She then went on to say “ I am writing to thank you as it was your posting on LinkedIn that alerted me to the CEO post at (deleted the name for privacy reasons). I will be starting in the role next month. I was not actively looking for work at the time, so I am very grateful that your post drew it to my attention as it is just the kind of work I was hoping my career path would lead to.”
Would you call this coincidence?
“Every single thing, past, present and future is linked.”
But the story doesn’t end there. I am currently doing some research for a book that I am writing about how to secure your first CEO position and was therefore able to ask this young lady for input into this.
And there’s more… While doing my walk yesterday (yes I have a new Fitbit so am obsessed with doing my 10,000 steps a day) I was listening to Tony Robbins talking about the power of positive questions.
If I ever doubted the ability that we have as human beings to bring things to life through conscious thought and positive questions, I never will again.
So the question I am asking myself, and you too, is “what can I consciously focus on today that will help me to achieve my business goals?”
I hope that by sharing this story, you will be inspired to embrace your power to create the future you dream of.